Are you working in the interior landscaping business and looking for new knowledge and inspiration from collegues from all over Europe? Then membership of EILO is something to consider!

Interior landscaping is a relative small business group, so meeting collegues and exchanging knowledge is not easy. At the same time knowledge regarding the combination of health and interior greenery at the workplace, in schools and hospitals is developing at a a speed that is never experienced before. The need for exchange and inspiration grows on a daily basis.

The same can be said about promotion and lobby. Research concerning greenery and health of employees becomes more and more conclusive: health does improve with greenery in buildings. Reaching new target groups like architects, politicians and policy makers, managers and project developers must be done together and on an Europan scale.

EILO is a cooperation of three national trade associations of Interior Landscapers: Nordic Green (Sweden, Norway, Finland),U.N.E.P (France), and the VHG (The Netherlands). Its aim is to to promote and publicise about interior landscaping

If you are a member of one of these national trade organisations, you are automatically also member of EILO. Suppliers for interior landscapers and companies (interior landscapers) in other countries can apply for an individual membership. There are already numerous individual members, from countries like Spain or Switserland or Belgium. The costs are €300,-. per year for interior landscapers and € 500,- per year for suppliers.

If you want to know more about membership, it’s advantages and conditions, please feel free to contact us

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