interior plantscapes, usa

Category: Interior Landscaping

Property manager Jones Lang Lasalle (JLL) challenged Interior Plantscapes (IPI) to create a lasting initial impression for employees and guests at its office building at 1750 Forest Drive in Annapolis, Maryland, USA. One of the challenges was to do so in planters that are only four inches (10.2 cm) in depth.
IPI responded by creating a “Japanese garden” (of sorts) that includes rock, water and plants.
Large and medium sized aquamarine spheres served as “water droplets” from which concentric rings of Mexican beach pebble emanate. IPI created this effect through the use of stone of varying shapes and shades of gray. We also opted for using planters, rather than planting directly in the beds, so that we were not limited by the shallow bed depth. The planters are staged in groupings and are complemented by yucca, succulents, sheet and reindeer moss. Driftwood and birch help to underscore the Japanese garden theme.
There are a total of five beds, each of which with a different shape and size. Each bed presents an “island” of moss, succulents, and natural analogs.
The result is a one-of-a-kind installation of moss/succulents (some real, some artificial), peppered with agave and dracaena. Both our client (JLL) and the property owner are thrilled and proud of this unique creation that reflects the character of the State of Maryland’s capital city on the Chesapeake Bay.

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